2017 年 9 月 1 日傅華姊的店面要開幕了,想去幫忙三年,三年後成立星孩工坊工作室。

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小小星孩 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

布卡 Buka


創作主題 / 能量、人類光體、天使、外星獅子及獨角獸




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On Mars we have life from lower dimension and higher dimension.

tony t: Alaje i would like to ask you if you know anything about the famous face on Mars? Who, What,When, Where and Why built it?

Alaje: As I say in my videos, all planets in the universes are inhabited, but on different dimensions, different levels of development and different life forms.And this is the case since billions of years. Our solar system too, is inhabited since millions of years on all planets, but on different dimensions. The civilisation on Planet earth the most primitive in this solar system. A long time ago, Life on Mars used to be physical like on earth, with a high developed civilisation, but one day they have destroyed the surface of the planet with wars. That is why there are ruins of temples and other buildings to see everywhere on Mars.

Later the Marsian civilization developed again, and now they are living in a higher dimension and not in the physical anymore, because they have mastered spirituality. So the real Marsians are not visible with a physical earth eye, unless they lower their frequency.

The physical Mars surface has a breathable atmosphere and is inhabited now from many other animalistic creatures, including the people of Nasa and other secret agencies from Earth, who have build some cities there already for themselves since the 60es. Of Course on TV they keep it secret and tell earth humans lies or stupid information. In reality they are using extraterrestrial technology they have from the greys and other negative ETs.


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迎接過了 2012 地球發生的轉變與持續的揚昇,大部分的人們所企求的是光明、愛、自由、快樂、和平、豐盛富足的生活,然而這個世界還是需要很多的 "光明與愛的能量" 用在社會正向的轉變。隨著宇宙光子能量的影響與地球磁場的頻率波動不斷地在提高改變,宇宙與行星的轉變也影響著居住在這星球上的居民的生物磁場。 相由心生,外在世界是我們靈魂意識、思想情感的投射,當我們外在世界所處的次元時空的頻率波動不斷地在加速,很多內心世界裡的東西也會跟這快速地顯現出來,無論是好是壞。個人意識覺知的提升 與內在品質的改變變得很重要。越懂得如何運用正面思想能量的人們,越有機會去創造和諧美滿的人生。愛與歡樂是高等正面的能量,當越多的高等正面能量聚集在一起,越能幫助我們去開創心中理想的世界。 世界上良善的人們需要團結在一起為實現古老的馬雅預言以及創造地球天堂樂園、人間淨土而努力。創造美麗新世界是終身的工作。另外,我們阿南達瑪迦台灣古魯庫也在尋求務實、有夢想、有理想、有遠見又熱血的社會朋友,一起加入我們在改變世界上盡一份心力 。願人人都是協助改善社會的夢想自造家 Everyone a changemaker world ! http://www.bookzone.com.tw/event/cb338/p01.asp


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